
Coming Soon: Another FREE Video Training Series to Help You Spread Your Message and Grow Your Impact Through Effective Speaking!


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GUARANTEE: we guarantee that you will be 100% satisfied with the Seminar should you attend the entire event. Satisfaction is defined as your belief that we have delivered on what we have promised in promoting the Seminar based on our Seminar registration site. If you are not satisfied at the conclusion of the event after having attended the entire event, and you notify us in the manner described herein, we will refund your registration fee. Participants who are not satisfied with the Seminar must, at the immediate conclusion of the Seminar, verbally notify one of our staff members of their dissatisfaction. Unsatisfied Attendees must also turn in all of their course materials as well as their personal notes taken from the seminar. In some cases Unsatisfied Attendees may be asked to submit a letter explaining their reasons for dissatisfaction. Any reimbursements will be made within 30 days of the event. All reimbursements are at the sole discretion of Professional Impact, Inc. and all Professional Impact, Inc. decisions are final and binding. Any statements of dissatisfaction or requests for refunds received after the conclusion of the event will not qualify for this guarantee.

Note: A guarantee represents a promise about the quality of services delivered; if an attendee never experienced the services (i.e. attends the Seminar), the guarantee obviously does not apply. Further, the guarantee cannot be substituted or confused with the Cancellation Policy

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